3 ways landscapers can build customer loyalty

3 Ways Landscapers Can Build Customer Loyalty

Some might misunderstand that landscapers and their clients have a one-time relationship regarding the designing and installation of a client’s new landscaped garden. This is an understandable assumption, given that a landscaped garden is usually created once and then not again for many years.

For that reason, it might at first seem unnecessary for landscapers like Sydney professionals Intreeg Landscapes to pursue anything designed to generate client loyalty. After all, if a client is only going to have their garden redesigned every 10, 15, or even 20 years, a lot can change. However, if we think about this further, there are several reasons why a landscaper should seek to build loyalty with their clients, as outlined below.

#1: Ongoing Services

Whilst a landscaped garden design and creation is indeed a one-off job, maintaining that garden is not. Adding on new features such as new garden pots or fountains may interest clients in the future, if their previous experience was good, they will be more inclined to call you for the job.  Many landscapers offer additional services, including maintaining not only the gardens they have created but also those they have not. The revenue generated each month from clients paying a landscaping business to maintain and repair their landscaped garden can be significant and certainly enough to warrant building client loyalty.